Fun Facts:

  • He was a cheerleader before his mission at USU.  Not a bad ‘job’ for a single guy!
  • He’s a ‘true aggie’  (once with a girl who he served on the same Institute Committee, who dumped him for an RM!  So, he understands pain!)
  • He seriously loves the youth and desires to give them reasons to ‘keep on believing’.
  • He loves racquetball (having won a tournament or two), traveling, and great musicals.

From the LDSSA: Brother Jacobs is one of the most energetic gospel teachers I have ever met. He uses PowerPoint presentations full of insights and stories and facts. Something that really sticks out to me about him is that he ALWAYS remembers your name and, usually, at least 3 things about you! He makes students feel loved, needed, involved, and important. Brother Jacobs is also very VERY funny….. It’s kind of surprising because he always brings the spirit during class too! His knowledge of the gospel is VERY extensive. He has spoken in many places to MANY people and being able to have him as YOUR institute teacher 2-3 days a week for a whole semester, and being able to ask him ANY question, knowing that he’ll love you and answer to the best of his ability, is an outstanding privilege. 

BIO: Brother Curtis Jacobs was born in Ogden, Utah. He received his bachelor’s degree from Utah State University and his master’s from Northern Arizona University. He served a mission to Alaska. He is married to Jolene Jacobs and they have four children and four grandchildren. He loves racquetball (having won a tournament or two), traveling, and great musicals! He received a “Who’s Who Among American Teacher’s” award in 2002 and 2008. Brother Jacobs started teaching for the Church Education System in 1979, first in Arizona and then in Utah, both at UVU (formerly UVSC) and Utah State. He has spoken at Campus Education Week, Know Your Religion and EFY since 1984. He has been a Bishop of a Student Ward at Utah State, and served in the USU 1st Stake Presidency.