Please join us! It is a great way to get involved, serve and make friends!
- Recreation: Help plan games and activities on and off campus!
- Just Serve: Organize and invite people to activities and service opportunities.
- Digital Media: Create designs, use social media, and photography to promote the institute and events. Help create and make videos that promote the institute.
- Feed My Sheep: Help organize the many food events to feed the masses at Institute gatherings.
- Dance: Help plan, organize and set up our dances.
- LDSSA: Work with USU organizations and clubs to promote institute and have Inter-Faith activities and lunches. Also, assist the full-time missionaries share the gospel.
Interested in being involved?
Email us: ldssa@instituteinlogan.org
Check out these activities organized by the LDSSA!
If you’d like to get involved, please email the ISC Advisor, Brother Eldon Roe, at roees@churchofjesuschrist.org.